Coming soon

Daily, snackable writings to spur changes in thinking.

Building a blueprint for a better brain by tinkering with the code.

The SECOND illustrated book from Tinkered Thinking is now available!


A Chess app from Tinkered Thinking featuring a variant of chess that bridges all skill levels!


A meditation app is forthcoming. Stay Tuned.


May 20th, 2018

We may often have thoughts that are disturbing. Things that we do not want to associate with who we like to think we are are.




Anxiety about such thoughts only seems to worsen the problem. Worry about it more and you have those thoughts more often. Fear them, and then they gain some real power, occurring non-stop.

What does this tell us about the brain?





How about this: Don’t think about the purple elephant.

What do you think about?



The brain is simply incapable of thinking about a true absence. 



The trick is to come up with something else to think about. This requires zooming out. Awareness, creativity. Coming up with an alternative and concentrating on that.

If the fact that you are ‘depressed’ is such a constant subject, how is it ever going to change if it is not replaced?




What you see is all there is.

What you think is all you are.

But what about the thoughts you don’t feel you can necessarily control?





This seems to indicate that there are parts of your brain that are not readily controllable by your conscious self. They yield influence, but you feel as though you yield no influence over those parts.

At least not in that moment-to-moment wanting and directing that is our conscious life…

How can we be subversive to these parts of our brains? Use what we know ‘about’ such areas and use it against those areas. 





Consider this fact: those who engage in meditation do not begin to see/feel positive results of meditation till a minimum of 6-8 weeks.

What is going on in the brain during that whole time? All that work, and no obvious impact. 

Then magically.

Oh. I think I notice a difference. 






Where is it coming from? Why don’t I have direct access to all those parts?

Maybe not direct access. But access nonetheless. Those who meditate chip away at blocks of the mind. They turn ugly knots of neurons into calmer regions. It’s like working out. You aren’t going to have a six-pack overnight. It takes time.

Soon those ugly thoughts will be gone.

But you have to put the work in everyday.