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December 10th, 2019
No matter what circumstance you find yourself in life, any problem you encounter is a reflection of the only problem.
The problem is the way you think.
Either you have a classical problem in front of you that may actually have a solution, in which case you need to bang your head against it until you see the solution, or rather your mind changes perspective and suddenly you see that solution.
Or, you just don’t like your situation and then again, such an attitude is indicative of a perspective about your situation. Ask: is there anyone in the history of humanity that when faced with this situation would be grateful, or unafraid or content?
Chances are quite good.
And even if such a person hasn’t existed, we can begin to simply imagine what that person would be like, and in so doing, we can begin to import that imagined character’s powers into our own mentality. This imaginative trick might be at the heart of what good actors do.
All problems in life fit into this 2 part framework.
But for what purpose? For progress or simply being content?
In this case it’s either and both. If we come across a problem that might actually have a solution that we can solve in a practical way, then we are looking at a strategy for progress. We just need to stretch our mind and wrap it around the problem tight enough to get a sense of what a solution would look like.
The second way our thinking can be the problem is when we can’t change the situation. Like being stuck in the middle of nowhere until the next bus comes along. In this case our thinking needs changing in order to simply accept the situation and find peace and contentment in the absence of a problem that can be practically solved.
Both circumstances place accountability solely on our own mind.
We must simply first make up our mind to own this accountability.
Any resistance, of course, is a problem in the way you think.